Workplace Wellbeing

Have you ever thought of providing Tai Chi and Qi Gong or meditation classes as part of your Workplace Wellbeing strategy?  The health benefits of these very mindful practices are now well established and include both mental and physical health. WHO, the NHS and the British Lung Foundation all now recommend Tai Chi for its health benefits.  Mind recommends physical activity, including Tai chi, to improve mental health. 

Physical Health

Whether it is constantly sitting and staring at a computer, standing for long periods, or undertaking strenuous physical activity, our working environment can result in poor body posture and a range of physical health problems. Tai chi and Qi Gong is a great way to relieve aches and pains, improve spinal health and address many of these problems.

Mental Health

Our workplaces also impact on our mental health. A recent report by mental health charity MIND, found that work is the biggest cause of stress in our lives. Poor mental health is now the No.1 reason for staff absence. One of the main reasons why people come to my classes is to get help with stress or mental health problems. This article from Harvard Medical school explains how physical therapies like Tai Chi and Qi Gong can help.

The benefits for your staff will not just be about giving them a break,  doing something mindful and energising the body. Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation sessions will be of particular help to those people who feel under stress, but do not feel that they want to discuss this with you as an employer. MIND found that although half of workers had experienced poor mental health in their current job, half of those people did not feel that this was something they wanted to discuss with their employer.

Workplace Wellbeing Sessions

I can provide a range of one-off or regular sessions as part of your workplace wellbeing strategy. If you want to bring mindfulness into the workplace this could be for you.  Complete the contact form or email me at and we can discuss your requirements. I generally work in and around Bristol, the West of England and South East Wales.

The following options are available, although we can tailor the course to suit your needs. Tai chi and Qi Gong sessions last 1 hour and include a guided meditation / relaxation session. Meditation sessions last 30 minutes.

  1. One-off workshops – examples include relaxation / calming sessions, Healthy Spine workshops and fatigue busting sessions. 
  2. Meditation sessions – a lovely lying down meditation to quieten the mind and help with sleep problems. 
  3. 6 week introductory course. An introduction to Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercises. To include stretching, relaxation and calming exercises. These open up the body, improve posture, give your energy system a boost, and help with sleep problems. We can also work on specific areas of the body where there is tension. 
  4. Longer term / Ongoing classes. These begin with a 6 week introductory course as above. Then you have the option to either continue Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercises in more depth, or to begin learning a Tai Chi form. 

I have provided a number of one-off workshops and regular classes for a range of organisations including Action for Elders, ESRC, Burges Salmon, Bristol University, UWE Bristol, Wetlands and Wildlife Trust (WWT), CSA Catapault (Newport), The George Veterinary Group (Malmesbury), Montpelier Health Centre, Bristol Guides and Brunel Field Primary School.

“Claire was absolutely amazing we had ladies aged between 24-94 and all could participate. I thoroughly recommend Claire”

– Emma J, Women’s Trefoil Guild, Bristol.